Who we are

Who we are

A company with a passion for what it does and that prioritizes the trust and needs of its customers. It was created to meet the needs of small and medium-sized companies in the major challenges of the market where they operate and to improve their competitiveness. 
That's who we are and we're proud of it.

Our mission

Transforming companies and people to be happier and to reach their best potential and their future.

Our purpose

Be the best choice for customers and work in a simple way to overcome any challenge.

Our values

Our values are the actions that transform our lives: being truthful, acting ethically, having freedom of thought, being simple, leading by example.

Regina Steinas, Partner Director at R4ACORS has a degree in Economics Science, MBAs in Human Resources Management, Business Management, Marketing in Services, among others. She is a professional with over 30 years of experience in various segments and recognized in the market, which adds specialties and knowledge to the services provided.

Recognized as "one of the best HRs in Brazil" (Grupo Gestão RH), she worked in multinational companies such as Grupo Bunge&Born, ACNielsen Research, Martin-Brower Logístics, Sharecare Health and Wellbeing, where she held executive and board positions and where the companies were winners of awards such as "best companies to work for" and "best companies in people management" (Você S/A, Valor Econômico/AON, Great Place to Work), "best companies in IDHO-Indices of Organizational Human Development", "best companies in corporate citizenship" (Grupo Gestão RH).

Always alert to changes and innovations in the human resources and business market, he works with passion for people and for the organization's results, ensuring everyone's success.

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R4ACORS Consultoria Organizacioanal